Too many plumbers discover too late that they aren’t properly insured, even if they’ve been paying premiums for years. Fortunately for our members, The Master Plumbers and Gasfitters Association of WA has an insurance solution that delivers the right level of protection at competitive rates.
We know many business owners buy the simplest and cheapest insurance policies available or renew their policies every year without reviewing the wording. If you follow either or those practices, you could be seriously exposed to some huge risks you don’t know about.
These unexpected risks are present in all types of policies including vehicle insurance, workers compensation insurance, public liability insurance or building and contents insurance.
In the worst case scenario, a financial loss due to under-insurance will wipe out your business.
So, what can you do?
We recommend you contact our MPA Insurance service on (08) 6141 3189 for an obligation-free consultation about your insurance needs.
MPA Insurance are brokers who understand our industry and know how to design insurance policies for plumbing businesses.
Would you like to know more about getting the right insurance?
We will run a series of educational seminars and webinars provided we get enough numbers. Send an expression of interest to info@mpaib.com.au and we’ll get back to you.