Members login

Important update for members - streamlining your annual renewals

Starting 1 December 1 2023, we're excited to introduce our new automated subscription system for membership fees.

This upgrade means

  • You will login with the primary email address of your company. We no longer use PL-00000 as the login.
  • Hassle-free renewals: Your yearly membership fees will now be conveniently billed to your credit card. You will be able to update your credit card and view your invoices here in the members area.
  • Time-saving: No more manual invoicing. We will handle everything automatically.
  • Security and Reliability: Your payment information will be protected with top-notch security.

Stay tuned for more details on how to set up your subscription. We're committed to improving your experience and operational efficiency!

Login = Primary Email Address

Not a member?

If you are licensed plumbing contractor in WA and are interested in joining us, see our membership information.